Saturday, October 12, 2019

Iraq War Is Both Necessary and Justified Essay -- Political Politics

Iraq War Is Both Necessary and Justified This essay is in defense of the Iraqi War. President Bush’s vocal critics state that American troops’ have been sacrificed in the Iraq War. First of all, the word â€Å"sacrifice† means that a person voluntarily does or gives up something at his or her own free will (like a bunt to advance a runner in baseball or Catholics sacrificing and giving up chocolate for Lent). I don’t believe that any of those soldiers that have been killed in the war deliberately intended to die or were â€Å"sacrificed† as Michael Moore has erroneously stated. And I’m sure that if President Bush knew the names of those soldiers that were going to be killed, I’m certain he would have ordered those individuals to stay on U.S. military bases and not engage in combat in Iraq. Secondly, in World War II over 405,000 American military personnel had been killed, and that happens to constitute over 400 times the sacrifice that our nation has made in the combined Afghan/Iraq Wars. And besides that horrendous astronomical figure over 671,000 American soldiers were wounded during WWII. I agree with the anti-war pundits that each American life should be valued, but when you analyze â€Å"sacrifice† in its true context, look to the past to equate the true cost of freedom. The World Trade Center twin-towers catastrophe was very comparable to Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and in fact more people died on September 11th on U.S. soil than were bombed and killed at Pearl Harbor. Now here’s where the liberal mindset suddenly turns philosophical. â€Å"The Iraq War should not be fought and it cannot be validly compared to WWII,† they will argue. President Bush does not like or want war, but sometimes war is the only viable measure to take. I stro... ... Palestinian suicide/homicide bomber’s family $30,000 of â€Å"oil for food money† just to ensure that terrorism in the Middle East would thrive and continue. The same attitude that prevailed among the demented German Fascists exists among the radical Islamic Fascists: â€Å"Blame it all on the Jews!† The United States of America protects all of the free world including anti-war protestors in Canada, Europe and even here in America. The USA is the greatest force for good the world has ever known, but our nation can only continue being great through strength, economic prosperity, free enterprise and courage to act, to demonstrate leadership and to defend what is right, what is just and what is necessary. And there’s one final thing to say to all anti-war liberals. How much money is Al Qaeda donating to the hurricance victims? Get on the right side of the fence and stay there.

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